The Boxer Show

The Boxer Show

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Monday Randoms-Countries w/ Best/Worst Lovers, Fashion for Disabled

This is really cool … A major fashion house is finally taking differently-abled consumers into consideration when designing clothes. Tommy Hilfiger just launched "Tommy Adaptive," a clothing line specifically designed for disabled consumers. The clothing features things like adjustable seams, Velcro and magnetic closures, and openings that make it easier for adults with mobility issues to dress themselves and for caretakers to assist with. And none of this has been done at the expensive of fashion. With everything from jean skirts, knit dresses, and chinos to bomber jackets, the line looks almost identical to his "regular" sportswear offerings. That means cute clothes for everyone! (Glamour


Want to learn a new language? Hit the bar. A new study has found that you might be better at learning a new language … after having a couple of drinks. Specifically, researchers found that drunker people can pronounce foreign words better than sober people. (Independent


Get your workout on … in the bedroom. Here’s an easy way to burn some calories … A study from the University of Montreal found that men burn 101 calories for a 25-minute bedroom romp, and women burn 69 calories. That’s about half the number of calories you’d burn running a mile. (Independent


Speaking of sex … Dating site surveyed more than 22,000 international members to find out which countries have the best and worst lovers. According to survey respondents, the best male lovers can be found in Australia, South Africa, and the United States. The best female lovers live in Canada, France, Italy and the U.S. And now for the worst … Sorry, guys in New Zealand, but you were ranked the worst male lovers with a score of 4 ... or bad. The women in New Zealand didn’t fare much better. They ranked higher than the guys, at a 6, but they were lowest in the female love department, along with ladies from Australia and Spain.


Share your salary … make more money. A long-standing, unofficial workplace “rule” is that you don’t talk about your salary with your co-workers. But Millennials aren’t big on following the rules …and it’s paying off. A study by found that when it comes to 18- to 36-year-old U.S. workers, 30% have told their co-workers what they are making. 33% of older Millennials, ages 27 to 36, say they’ve shared their salary with their co-workers – that’s more than any other age group and four times more than Baby Boomers (53 to 71) at 8%. Why is sharing your salary paying off? Because knowledge is power. "Knowing what your friends and colleagues make in a similar field is empowering in making sure you're being compensated fairly and gauging when it might be time to move on or request a raise," said Sarah Berger, founder of (Moneyish

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