Ben Tomkunas was out carp fishing late one night on Coventry Lake with his buddies. He's been fishing pretty much his whole life, saying "I was born with a rod and reel in my hand." As he tells it, all of the sudden his "reel started screaming" and he ended up reeling in a huge catfish. Pictures were taken, video too, and it was weighed at an official fish weighing station. At first he and his friends thought nothing of it but then they started to call around about the weight, which turned out to be 21.3 pounds, and if it might be a record. Someone at the DEEP in CT declared that it was a world record! And then Ben said someone there came back from vacay and declared it wasn't because they didn't actually see the fish and couldn't positively identify it as a white catfish. We call BUNK! Ben holds the world record to US! Read the entire story HERE and listen to Ben tell his story below and find out what happened to the fish
Country 92-5 Morning Show