They say that necessity is the mother of invention. Also I believe it's the mother of doing it yourself to save money. THAT reason alone is why people do a lot of the work on their car. And with car prices higher than EVER because of a computer chip shortage, more and more people are doing their own stuff. Cory's husband is an automotive tech and sees it all the time. Except at a certain point, they get stuck and end up at the dealership to get an expert to work on it. Moral of the story is, changing a tire is one thing (21% of people said they've done that), and basics like adding wiper fluid (34%) or installing a new battery (27%), seem easy in most cars. But if you don't know what you're doing, DON'T make the attempt and definitely don't watch a YouTube video to try and figure it out! See the whole story and survey HERE
Country 92-5 Morning Show