Country 92-5 Morning Show

Country 92-5 Morning Show

Country 92-5 Morning Show


Cory's in Facebook jail

CORY IS IN FACEBOOK JAIL! The woman who rescues animals and loves to help people and donated a doggy pool to the Southington PD Dog Pound a few weeks ago!

The wonderful thing about Facebook is it allows us all to stay in touch. The horrible thing about Facebook, it's always open for misinterpretation, as in this case. Cory commented on a listeners post yesterday. A listen that she knows, that SHE REALLY LIKES and that posts some controversial things occasionally. He himself, no stranger to Facebook jail. Cory's comment? "I love you but I will throat punch you xo". Facebook flagged her as making a threat against someone and locked her account for 24 hours. She's NONE too happy about it, especially since "throat punching" is her little joke, although just to be clear, she's never actually DONE it. She jokes about it with EVERYONE though! Apparently, the MAN has caught on. :(

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