Country 92-5 Morning Show

Country 92-5 Morning Show

Country 92-5 Morning Show


CT lawmakers are fighting pandemic price gouging

We've all seen it, anti-bacterial wipes, hand sanitizer, anti-bacterial soaps and sprays, all with prices so high we would have skip buying food items to pay for them. Well CT's Attorney General William Tong is backing some lawmakers who want it stopped. Tong says the state has gotten over 750 complaints. Current price gouging laws cover gas and electricity, but not any actions against wholesalers or distributors, and that's who the state wants to go after. Here's an example, Hartford Healthcare paid $3 million dollars in 2020 for PPE, almost SEVEN times what they paid in 2019. Need more? The CT Hospital Association said a case of disposable, blue gloves cost $95 dollars in 2020. Now suppliers are trying to get $300 and they won't get them until February. AG Tong says that a lot of the complaints have been investigated but none have resulted in arrests or fines. A hearing on the proposed bill H.B. No. 5307: AN ACT CONCERNING PRICE GOUGING will be held in the General Law Committee tonight at 9:30.

Have you seen price gouging on needed supplies? Where and what do you think should be done?

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