Country 92-5 Morning Show

Country 92-5 Morning Show

Country 92-5 Morning Show


John Driscoll Hopkins of the ZBB has ALS

John Driscoll Hopkins is one of the founding members of the Zac Brown Band. He released a video, surrounded by all the guys and Caroline Jones who has become an honorary member as she plays and jams with them all the time, to tell fans that he has been diagnosed with ALS, otherwise known as Lou Gehrig's disease. "I have tough news to share. [Over] the past several years, I have noticed some balance issues and some stiffness in my hands. After careful analysis by some of the country's top neurologists, I have been diagnosed with ALS. Because my symptoms have been slow progressing from the start, we believe they will continue to be slow progressing going forward. God willing, I plan to be rocking with these amazing people for many years to come."

John and the band have started a charity called Hop On A Cure to help fight the disease. You can donate HERE



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