Country 92-5 Morning Show

Country 92-5 Morning Show

Country 92-5 Morning Show


Is your digital legacy protected? (IT SHOULD BE!)

No one wants to think about dying, but unfortunately we need to. Used to be we only thought about making sure we had a will, but now we have our digital legacy to worry about. You probably want to think about who you trust enough to give access to your social media accounts and the rest of your online life. Here are a few things that you should do right now:

  • You can designate a "Legacy Contact" on your Apple account and you probably should. Search for "Password & Security" in your Settings and then click on "Legacy Contact" to do that.
  • Facebook also lets you designate a "Legacy Contact" under your "Memorialization Settings" so the person that you choose can update your posts, profile pic, all the things
  • You might want to think about wiping out your search history on Google every 3 months so no one can access the naughty things you looked up after you die! Do that by going to "Web & App Activity" settings on your Google account page and pick the option to auto-delete stuff every 3 months.


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