Country 92-5 Morning Show

Country 92-5 Morning Show

Country 92-5 Morning Show


Cory's big announcement

Country 92-5's own Cory Myers took to the airwaves during the Hopes, Prayers and Wishes segment on Wednesday, June 9th to share some news with listeners.

"I have to have open heart surgery this coming Tuesday (June 15). About five and a half years ago, my doctor heard a heart murmur... three years later during an ultrasound, they found that I had a birth defect in my heart, a bicuspid aortic valve. It only has two flaps, it should have three."

Cory continued to mention how the condition has affected her and that it was time to get surgery done to have a mechanical valve put in. She will be under the treatment of Dr. Hagberg, the Chief of Cardiac Surgery at Hartford Hospital. She will be out for a few weeks, however, when she is feeling better, Cory will be able to join Damon again, even if it's from her home studio.

Please send her your hopes, prayers and wishes through this time for a speedy recovery!

Listen to her announcement and leave a comment on the Damon & Cory Facebook page

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