Photo: Getty Images
As this week passes, we are reminded of a strange sighting that happened just over a year ago tonight. A pilot flying a commercial plane from Cincinnati to Phoenix noticed something very strange in the sky, and for awhile; there were few who believed that this encounter actually occurred. The plane's technology located the unidentified object too late, and it nearly crashed into the plane.
This sighting is known to be one of the most "significant" UFO sightings of last year in its entirety. Cockpit audio reported a “near miss” with a “long cylindrical object” in the skies over New Mexico. The pilot was the only one to see this unusually shaped object as it hovered next to the plane. Can you imagine flying a plane full of innocent civilians, when all of a sudden an inanimate object just shows up right beside you in the sky?
Now, the FBI is confirming that they “knew about the incident,” as calls for “more transparency” when it comes to events such as these. In the past, pilots have been threatened with their jobs and told to “get counseling” after even mentioning possible sightings. There has been nothing publicly released regarding what the object was, or what it was doing there.