How many Yankee Candles do you have in your home right now? If you grew up in WMASS you forget how popular these candles are because the flagship was right down the street and seeing a Kittredge drive through town in one of the Lambos (there was a red and yellow I'd see quite a bit) were regular occurrences. In fact there was one year my sister even got to work as a babysitter at one of the Kittredges' holiday parties & I remember seeing pictures of the bowling alley and indoor pool thinking "DAYUMMMM the candle business is good".
Well the founder Mike Kittredge II passed away a few years back and the mega mansion he built in Leverett, MA is just too big for his son Mick. The home is now on the market for $23 million dollars. 60 acres of property, 120,000 square feet, 14 fireplaces, 25 bathrooms, 16 bedrooms, and four tennis courts.