Your morning coffee has MORE than coffee in it

Any environment that is warm and wet is a breeding ground for bacteria, just ask anyone! So imagine what's INSIDE your coffeemaker? Whether you use a Keurig or a Nepresso or whatever, it NEEDS to be cleaned inside! Now while most coffeemakers come with instructions on what cleaning agent to use, or how often to descale it, experts are saying that it should go beyond that. It's actually recommended that you take it apart and use a Q-tip to really clean in all the nooks and crannies. Yale immunologist Dr. Ryan Steele says, "You really want to make sure that you’re cleaning all those and removing gaskets because those hidden areas are really ripe for having mold and bacteria grow.”

While you might not get sick, it is a bit more serious for people who have comprised immune systems or asthma that can be set off by mold. Dr. Ryan even goes so far as to say NOT to leave water in the resevoir overnight. But if you're like us, you drink so much coffee you have to refill it daily anyway. He recommends a thorough cleaning once a week, although that seems like alot to turn your coffeemaker into a Lego set. And if you're not a Master Builder, you might want someone to do it for you. Or try a French press. Easier to clean. Good luck!

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