When can you visit people without a mask on?

Covid fatigue, mask fatigue, just all around TIRED OF THE WHOLE pandemic thing? Good news! There's light at the end of the tunnel...if you got your vaccine. Whether it's one Johnson & Johnson shot or 2 Moderna or Pfizer shots, you need to be completely vaccinated before you can do things unmasked. And there are still some guidelines to follow. You can get together:

  • Indoors with fully vaccinated people without wearing a mask
  • Indoors with unvaccinated people from only one other household without masks unless someone in the house has a compromised immune system or an increased risk for severe illness from COVID-19
  • If you’ve been around someone who has COVID-19, you do not need to stay away from others or get tested unless you have symptoms, unless you live in a group setting like a prison or group home

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